Become a Member
Basic Membership
Welcome to the 108 Mile RCA, a rural non-profit community association that aims to promote events, engage the community, and encourage volunteering within our community. We organize activities like Bingo, senior events, fundraising, and events to foster community engagement.
All residents (owner or tenant of more than 3 months) of the 108 Mile Ranch and areas that are part of the taxation boundaries, are eligible for membership in the Community Association. Membership allows you to participate in the decisions that are made for the Community on behalf of the residents. The larger the membership – the more representative of the community the decisions will be. Individual Membership Fees are $10.00 annually or $35.00 for 5 years (calendar year) and can be paid by etransfer ( or cheque. During membership drives – SQUARE may be available for debit payments
Business Membership
A business membership includes having your business listed on our website, a free table at the 108 Business Fair, 1 vote and we'll share your information on our business members facebook page. Associate Businesses outside the 108 area do not have voting rights or a free table. You may provide a brochure and/or coupon from your business to be included in our 108 Mile welcome package for new residence.
For more information contact Ingrid at 250-791-5663